Getting started

XPlat Windows APIs offers a set of cross-platform APIs under one umbrella using a Windows UWP like API, allowing a developer to learn a single API which works with any application built with UWP or Xamarin for Android and iOS.


XPlat Windows APIs is available as a set of NuGet packages that can be added to any existing or new Windows UWP or Xamarin project.

This guide will walk you through setup with Visual Studio.

  1. Create or open a Windows UWP, Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS project with Visual Studio.

  2. Add a reference to a required XPlat Windows APIs NuGet package to each project.

    • To do this, in the Solution Explorer, right-click on the solution and select Manage NuGet Packages. Find the XPlat package you need and install the package into all the projects including UWP, Android, iOS, and .NET Standard.

  3. You're ready to go!

A lot of the APIs in the XPlat Windows APIs libraries have been built with interfacing in mind.

This allows you to use a dependency injection service of your own choosing to best work with the APIs you wish to use.

You can take a look through our XPlat Windows APIs docs which offering up good examples on how to use them in your applications.

Developing apps

If you're new to developing applications with .NET and are looking for more resources, here's a few recommended links to get you on your journey.

Last updated